Auto Merge

Automatically merge duplicate tickets from the same requester

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2 Bewertungen
Barbara Moreira
over 3 years ago

Previous to Auto Merge we spent hours of agent workload time either merging tickets (we'd do it 2x a day, every day for our entire queue) and still have multiple agents accidentally touch the same customer. Auto Merge is truly the BEST THING EVER, it is simple, easy to set up and extremely powerful. It's given us back so much time. We created a view to just watch all our merges and we can see tickets being answered more quickly and efficiently. An agent working with a customer who creates additional tickets for each issue can easily stay a part of the conversation with out any additional effort on our part. I can't believe we didn't have this from day 1.

Juan Espinosa
about 4 years ago

This app is absolutely amazing! - It helps us control our queue so smoothly.

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