Article • 1 min read
Tip of the week: Hide ticket forms based on the user's organization
Zuletzt aktualisiert: June 9, 2015
Currently, when you create a ticket form, there is no tag for specific organizations. This can make assigning particular ticket forms to different end-users difficult. Especially when you need to make sure end-users only see forms with questions relevant to their issues.
In this tip of the week, I’ll show you a workaround that allows you to hide ticket forms based on user’s organizations. Please note, this solution uses ticket forms and multiple organizations, so you’ll need to be on an Enterprise plan to set it up.
We’ll do this in three simple steps:
Find out the ticket form ID.
Find out the organization name.
Edit the JavaScript (whenever you wish to add another organization and ticket form).
Head to the forums to learn more
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